Monday, May 19, 2008

LUNAR ECLIPSE CD - 1/4 recorded

The next Digital Dreams CD "Lunar Eclipse" is in progress. Due to illness and work related delays the album is only finished to approximately 1/4 as we are aiming for a full blast, full-length 70 minutes release to offer our listeners an album that's worth listening to over and over again.

We are still aiming for a release in October this year. So far, TJ has composed and recorded well over 60 songs for Caitriona to choose from and to write musical melody and lyrics to.

The setup has never been better and the recording will be fully digital.

This being the first Digital Dreams CD in 12 years and also the debut album for "the new Digital Dreams" TJ and Caitriona, we want this album to be more than anyone could ever expect - something we can be really proud of and something we fully believe in.

TJ's unique approach to writing songs and Caitriona's hauntingly beautiful vocals have been described as "stunning" (George Mulcahy, Radio DJ) and we hope the album will be equally as stunning.

So please bare with us while we're finding our feet. We have scheduled to meet and (hopefully)record together again in early June.


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